When Eternal Classic Encounters with 4 Aspiring Engineers
Our walker, affectionately titled The Black Swan, and our automaton, named Odie, serve as a combination of the technical and artistic. Uniting the mind’s desire to appreciate the creativity found in the respective fields of engineering and art, our project is a mechanical assembly which pays tribute to the famous ballet classic: Swan Lake. With a linkage mechanism designed as a modification of the Theo Jansen Strandbeest legs, coincidentally another reference to a well-known piece of art, The Black Swan was designed to reliably and leisurely pull itself across the ground.

From Nothing to Everything
Design is a really interesting process. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you couldn't have an idea. Sometimes, some great ideas will come out your mind without any effort. For our automaton, I first came up with the basic mechanism when I was in the ECE 310 (Digital Processing) lecture......
Boring but Very Useful
As a Matlab Specialist in the team, I did all PVA and DFA analyses for our group. Even though I used numerical method to simulate they system, I always believe that being able to do it analytically is very important and useful. Thus, I wrote a document by myself to show step-by-step PVA and DFA analyses.

Sunyu Wang
Talented Artist

Alan Papalia
The Project Designer

Ian Bashor
Professional Manufacturer
Portfolio | Jiheng Jing wouldn’t be where it is today without our devoted team of employees. Get to know them here.